Soignies en Transition
Monthly local producers market, with focus on artisanal production, geographical proximity (about 20 km around Soignies) and conviviality.
CASE STAGE: Well established and running
LOCATION: City of Soignies (Belgium)
At first, we wanted to know our local producers and to develop a commercial opportunity on the local market. In the same time, we promote a healthy, seasonal and local food consumption. The local market give a space where producers and consumers meet and interact. A trusting relation is established, consumption habits change, informations about production and transformation of food are procured with a focus on local production, seasonal constraints, quality concerns and general availability.
We collaborated with the municipality to organize the market. They take care off practical organization of the market : reservation, electricity availability, security enforcement. We assume promotion, communication, search of producers, organization of a convivial space to share and eat on the market.
We elaborated a common contract between municipality (local development agency), Soignies en Transition and local producers that define roles and responsibilities on a democratic and self-management mode.
DOMAINS: Food and agriculture, Raising awareness about sustainability, climate change, healthy living, environmental issues, etc., Economy.
MiT note – No need for phase 2 and not suitable for pilot (it’s a very specific collaboration).