Citizen initiative to improve people’s lives in the municipality.
Citizen education for improving community living
CASE STAGE: Just started
LOCATION: Quéntar, Granada (Spain)
GOVERNANCE: Not defined
We started as a group of people organised to revitalize the way of living in the village, and show that another way of having relationships with each other is possible. We consider people coming together as a good start to approach more complex subjects later on. Such as renewable energies, the transformation of traditional agriculture to an organic one, or the implementation of sustainable and healthy urbanism.
DOMAINS: Transportation, Education, Raising awareness about sustainability, climate change, healthy living, environmental issues, etc., Arts and Culture, Participatory Democracy and Planning, Systemic Change (not focused on particular projects)
MiT note: Citizen initiative to promote community living. No need for phase 2 (no specific tool/framework identified for collaborating with the municipality; just started). Not suitable for pilot.