Community Living Classes

The living classroom is an intervention to strengthen the community tissues in favor of sustainability and good living.


CASE STAGE: Well established and running
LOCATION: San Miguel, San Francisco, Cundinamarca (Colombia)
GOVERNANCE: Sociocracy


The Living classrooms are a model of the network of community living culture that allows encounters in which the colibri pedagogy manifests itself. A stove (communal pot) which is the center around which they are carried out mental actions (word circles) with political incidents, physical actions (welfare practices, trade fairs, barter), emotional (actions artistic activities),and actions of fire or of catching silence. The connection with the invisible, the sacred and the ritual (opening, singing to water, grandparents). There have been three living classrooms in the sidewalk and one in the Municipal head in association with the town hall.


DOMAINSFood and agriculture, Raising awareness about sustainability, climate change, healthy living, environmental issues, etc., Health, Water management

BENEFICIARIES: Children, Teenagers (13 – 17), Young adults (18 – 24), Adults (25 – 65), Elders (65+), Families, Ethnic or Social Minorities, General


MiT noteCommunity Living Classes. Interesting for phase 2 (living classrooms as a tool). Not suitable for pilot (too specific intervention).


Yuluca Boavida
