Walking Bus
The creation of a walking Bus to encourage school children to walk to school reducing emissions and creating a healthier lifestyle.
LOCATION: Chepstow, Wales (UK)
GOVERNANCE: Not defined
Chepstow has one one the most polluted roads in the U.K. To reduce this walking buses will reduce car journeys to school. In addition the reduced exercise of young people is giving rise to numerous health issues including obesity and diabetes. It is also hope to create a stronger sense of community as children and some of their parents walk together.
The Council and local schools will fully be involved with sponsorship from local companies to buy high visibility jackets and snacks to reward children for taking part.
DOMAINS: Transportation, Education.
BENEFICIARIES: Children, Adults (25 – 65)
MiT note: Walking to school in a transition context. No need for phase 2 (no specific framework identified for collaborating with the municipality; design stage). Not suitable for pilot (too specific intervention).