
Maia is a municipality in the Porto Metropolitan Area, in Norte Region, Portugal. It is one of the most industrialized in the Norte Region and home of ISMAIInstituto Superior da Maia, a private institution of higher education. The Porto International Airport, Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport is also located in Maia.


Type: Municipality
Population: 138 971 inhabitants
Extension: 82,99  km²
Density: 1675,6 inhabitants per km²


Key Aspects

The use of the Municipalities in Transition System (MiTS) in Maia is integrated in a wider municipal project entitled BaZe – Zero Net Carbon. This is a program of actions and projects integrated in the concept of a living laboratory implemented in a real context: The Maia Living Lab.
It is a project that allows the application, demonstration, appreciation and appropriation of integrated and transversal solutions that promote decarbonization as a determining factor in the construction of sustainability.
The proposal is markedly multisectoral and multidisciplinary, covering all areas with influence on the transition from the current urbanity paradigm, namely Energy, Circular Economy and Environment, Mobility and in a transversal way to citizenship – awareness, sharing and community involvement.
The application of the MiTS within BaZe, has been named Maia em Transição (MeT). Check this page for more information.



The main challenge will be to work together with a high diversity of stakeholders and inform their practices and perspectives through experimenting the Municipalities in Transition system process.


Local Implementation Team



Amandine Gameiro 
Sara Silva




Key activities so far...

The LST was established and composed by Maia municipality, Santa Casa da Misericódia da Maia and Moving Cause association.

Invitations to be part of the LIT has been sent to a diversity of stakeholders and a Q&A session was arranged to clarify what is expected of the LIT and what they can expect from the MiT.