As a first step of the project we needed to gather information about experiences (cases or case studies) where local governments are involved in a stable and organized way in something that has (or tries to have) the features of a Transition process.
The search was about cases directly connected with the Transition movement (where Local Initiatives or the Transition Hub were involved), partially connected (inspired by), or completely disconnected (but showing transition features anyway). This first gathering of information was intended to be light, quick and based on voluntary contributions of transitioners worldwide.
In this area of the site we will upload all the files we collected on the first “harvesting” phase. After a round of evaluation some of them were selected for a deeper investigation.
Important note
What you see on the Cases Files page is the collection of cases we received and the information (see the legend below) on how we classified them during our very first analysis (further considerations followed that first phase).
Our evaluations were completely based on the aim of the project, when a case was considered not suitable for Phase 2 or for a Pilot didn’t mean that that experience was not valuable in a general sense, but only that we didn’t consider it functional for our particular kind of activity.
If you are visiting this site for more general pourpose we encourage you to view the entire collection, a lot of good stuff there.
Use the Search Menu on the right to navigate the cases and the legend below to have quick info on them
We are using icons to quickly indicate the status of the case within our project.
Case selected for Phase 2
The cases marked with this symbol are considered interesting for a further exploration in the second Phase of the project.
Case not selected for Phase 2
The cases marked with this symbol are considered not interesting for a further exploration in the second Phase of the project. This doesn’t mean that we consider those cases “bad” or not valuable, but they don’t fit the purpose of this project. A case non selected for can can still be interesting for a Pilot.
To explore in Phase 2 for framework
Indicate cases that we are exploring to know more about the evident or potential framework presented in Phase 1.
To explore in Phase 2 for tools
Indicate cases that we are exploring to know more about the tools (projects, methodologies, actions…) presented in Phase 1.
Potential pilots
Indicate cases that we are not exploring in Phase 2 but present a positive context for a Pilot.