The Municipalities in Transition
Community of Practice

The Municipalities in Transition project encompasses a community of practice with a wider membership composed by several circles with members that have a common interest in Municipalities in Transition project and System.


The MiT Community of Practice is entering its third phase and it:
  • Connects practitioners from different circles
  • Shares and disseminates information and experiences
  • Harvests learnings and new knowledge
  • Fosters peer-to-peer support among the participants
  • Creates a support community for the MiT project
  • Explores possible synergies


Previously, we’ve seen three overlapping “spaces” or functions that could be created for this community of practice:
  • “Work” space (working with the MiT system and related topics)
  • Inspirational / sharing space (sharing experiences, challenges and learnings that are happening on the ground and in our networks.)
  • Emergence space (new ideas and proposals)


The MiT Community of Practice plays a central role in the transdisciplinary research process.


Meet the Community of Practice co-guardians:

Juan Del Rio, Municipalities in Transition Core team

Lara Freitas, Tutor, Ecobairro, São Paulo, Brazil

Luís Pereira, Tutor, Parceria Local de Telheiras

Nicola Hillary, Transition Network

Pedro Macedo, Action Researcher and Tutor

Sara Silva, Tutor and Municipalities in Transition Core team



If you want to join our community of practice, sign in here.