Pilot Community of Practice Webinars
The Municipalities in Transition (MiT) project is now half-way through and we have already done two important and fertile webinar sessions for the Pilots Community of Practice (CoP), apart from the first Wider Community of Practice online meeting.
On the 14th May 2018 we had the opening session for the Pilot CoP. The message to stress here was that the meeting is a space to share what is working, how we are doing it and to support each other.
As a first meeting the idea was to check with every pilot How is everybody getting on with the governance & the baseline? This was for the first part of the meeting.
While in the second part the focus was on the sharing of suggestions and ideas for the other pilots.
The last part was more related on Ideas and suggestions for the communities of practice.
Apparently the CoP is resulting as a very useful tool for everybody and a sort of instrument to make the project a joint development process, rather than a group of separate entities (pilots) working on their own. This is what makes the MiT a powerful process for transition initiatives.
On 16th July 2018 the second webinar took place. A round of Pilot situation summary took about 5-10 minutes for each Pilot; after that we started to dig into the breaking out groups on 2 topics:
- Ideas to communicate the work pilots are doing - in communities and internationally within the MiT network
- Ideas to evolve the Grid and MiT methodology
Interestingly, both groups arrived to the conclusion to create topical webinars on each of the two themes, since few minutes were not enough to discuss such important issues.
After that Cristiano, from the core team, gave a short talk on Guidelines for Planning Actions. The Pilots were suggested to go back to the framework document and read the section on planning. They were asked to select one action to be strengthened, and to create one new action. To plan a new action, it is recommended to use the same methodology of the cell cycles, and try to foresee the outcomes of the new action. Supporting more than these two actions is welcome.
The following topic for the webinar was the suggestions of ideas for topics on the Day of Sustainable Communities Event in Brussels, an event organised by the ECOLISE partnership that will take place on the 20th of september 2018.
After that, the MiT core team asked for feedback on the Pilots reporting diary, how that experience was for everybody.
Lastly, we discussed about the ideas for the next webinar of the Pilot CoP.
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