Conservation and sustainable production for the collective “good living”

We aim at creating sustainable development in socially and culturally diverse rural community, around biodiversity conservation. We seek to unite different visions, experiences and practices to generate a collective good living.


CASE STAGE: Just started
LOCATION: Municipalities of San Rafael - San Carlos, Antioquia (Colombia)
GOVERNANCE: Not defined


Throughout the last 20 years, the armed conflict that took place in and around the upper and medium basins of the Arenal river has displaced many agricultural families. These families are slowly returning to their land and joining a neo-rural population that is keen on protecting the environment and do community work, bringing together mankind and nature. It is through the union of different visions and the exchange of knowledge that a regenerative initiative is born to manage resources more sustainably, using agroecology, agroforestry, natural building and awareness raising. This offers the conditions to create a social tissue based on sustainable development.


DOMAINS: Food and agriculture, Energy Efficiency, Town planning, Urbanism and Housing, Education, Raising awareness about sustainability, climate change, healthy living, environmental issues, etc., Health, Arts and Culture, Participatory Democracy and Planning, Waste management, Water management, Community work, Systemic Change (not focused on particular projects), Volunteer conservation through civil society natural reservation.

BENEFICIARIES: Children, Teenagers (13 - 17), Young adults (18 - 24), Adults (25 - 65), Families, Ethnic or Social Minorities.


MiT note: Uniting for nature conservation. Could be interesting for phase 2 (participatory management plan? Relationship with local administration? Impact in decision?), even though they are just starting. Suitable for pilot (in order to strengthen the collaboration with the municipality).


Claudio Madaune Arias
