Descarboniza! Que non é pouco
Organise and give support to groups of people who are willing to “decarbonise” their lifestyles
CASE STAGE: Well established and running
LOCATION: Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
GOVERNANCE: Not defined
The project “Descarboniza! Que non es poco …” tries to organize and give support to groups of people who are willing to decarbonise their lifestyles. Its most important goal is that these groups are able to develop actions linked to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in a self-managed way and in their immediate community environment.
The initiative is based on the application of its own methodology that use as reference the research work on the perception of climate change, the analysis of educational practices, and successful social initiatives (among which is the Transition Movement). The two pillars on which the work methodology was designed are the significant experiential activities that connect people with the problem, and the group/community work that gives them social projection.
For the moment, a pilot project has been developed in three sociocultural centers in Santiago de Compostela, working with 3 different groups: a youth group, a mixed group and a group of senior women.
The success with the senior group has led that in the new course 2017-2018 the project will be focus on this senior group that has expanded to 6 groups of 10-15 people each.
DOMAINS: Education, Raising awareness about sustainability, climate change, healthy living, environmental issues, etc., Participatory Democracy and Planning, Community work
BENEFICIARIES: Teenagers (13 - 17), Elders (65+), Families
MiT note: Helping groups of people to “decarbonise” their lifestyles. Interesting for phase 2 (both tools and framework). Suitable for pilot (in order to wide and deep a thematic collaboration).