Det Fælles Bedste

A Convergence on solutions for a green sustainable organic transition.

CASE STAGE: Well established and running
LOCATION: Vejle (Denmark)
GOVERNANCE: Not defined


2012 “Det Fælles Bedste” (DFB - The Common Good) was formed. April 2015 first Convergens on Samsø, for 300 ppl. Next was 2016: Hvalsø, the Municipality of Lejre - first with declared goal to become 100% organic. Municipality offered facilities for free including staff. 3.000 participants came for marketplace for organisations, practitioners, small companies, workshops, organic food, music, theater, dancing, “Demain”, couchsurfing and camping. All free. Budget: 500.000DDK.

2018 Municipality of Vejle, being a “100 Resilient Cities” participant offers even better better facilities and a part time secretary. We harvest the learnings from the previous 2 events, wanting to show the world the need for and opportunities in the transition in food, energy, economy, building, spirituality, governance, waste and resource reduction, transportation etc.

The Meet Ups inspired by the Italian Transition Hubs experience from creating density in their initiatives. We aim to get people to cross pollinate locally to create density and visibility on the transition, using the tools of TM. There will two first days be space and time for deepening including the public, two last for the organisation work.

We aim for management of a transition towards resilience, sustainability, respect for planetary boundaries, economic balance with available resources, social justice, happiness and prosperity in the Vision, Mission and Aim for the collaboration with-in DFB. and have found a sincere partners in the Municipalities.


DOMAINS: Food and agriculture, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Town planning, Urbanism and Housing, Transportation, Education, Raising awareness about sustainability, climate change, healthy living, environmental issues, etc., Health, Social Care, Arts and Culture, Participatory Democracy and Planning, Economy, Waste management, Water management, Industry and manufacturing, Community work, Systemic Change (not focused on particular projects)



MiT note: Convergence event. Interesting for phase phase 2 (convergence event as a tool). Suitable for pilot (if this kind of initiative/context is considered relevant).


Tanja Aertebjerg
Transition Danmark
