El Itacate

El Itacate is a Transition Reconomy project based in Tepoztlan settled as a think tank lab for helping food gardening, permaculture and educational projects to pop out or thrive in collaboration with Tepoztlán Municipality.


CASE STAGE: Just started
LOCATION: Tepoztlán, Morelos (México)
GOVERNANCE: From Meritocracy to Sociocracy



  • Helping community projects to thrive (Agriculture, Permaculture, Green Energy and Educational).
  • Creating a safety space for people to discover new possibilities and culture within this Think Tank Lab.
  • Making visible examples of Transition for growing the bondage with Tepoztlán Municipality.



DOMAINS: Food and agriculture, Economy, Community work

BENEFICIARIES: Children, Teenagers (13 - 17), Young adults (18 - 24), Adults (25 - 65), Elders (65+), Families, People with disabilities, Ethnic or Social Minorities, LGBTQ+.


MiT note: Think tank lab for helping food gardening, permaculture and educational projects. No need for phase 2 (no specific tool/framework identified for collaborating with the municipality; just started). Suitable for pilot (transition initiative that wants to strengthen bonds with the municipality).


Raul Velez
