Jaén en Transición
Jaén en Transición brings together people and organizations from Jaén civil society. The project opts for local initiatives that are moving towards economic decrease and good living.
CASE STAGE: Just started
LOCATION: Jaén (Spain)
GOVERNANCE: Horizontal organization. Decision making done by consensus
Jaén in Transition started after two training courses on community resilience and degrowth, both organised by ONGD and Solidaridad Internacional Andalucía (SIA) at Jaén University. These students decided to come together as a transition group.
Since mid-2016, this group has worked out its vision and goals for Jaén in 2022 through periodic meetings and through the celebration of different activities (videoforums, community work in organic gardens, support of initiatives for energy and food sovereignty, shared meals…). It is inspired by the models and tools of REAS, Christian movement, ecofeminism, Red de Transición España and the Common Good Economy. Several members have collaborated in the management and volunteer care at the recent NESI Forum in Malaga. In 2016, we presented a project to the City Council to support our DUSI (Integrated Sustainable Urban Development) Strategy. Our last achievement was an international partnership with Jungapeo en Transición (Mexico). Now, Jaén en Transición collaborates actively (at provincial level) in the organization of the campaign of public awareness and participation “Resilient Andalusia”. This campaign try to expand its scope of action to other nearby localities (for example Linares)
DOMAINS: Food and agriculture, Town planning, Urbanism and Housing, Raising awareness about sustainability, climate change, healthy living, environmental issues, etc., Social Care, Participatory Democracy and Planning, Community work, international relations
MiT note: Transition Initiative. No need for phase 2 (no specific tool/framework identified for collaborating with the municipality; just started). Suitable for pilot (in order to strengthen the collaboration with the municipality; prospects for continuity?).