Emerging new relationship between local government and citizens/associations all searching for new methodologies and tools to develop and thrive.
LOCATION: City of Livorno (Italy)
GOVERNANCE: Not defined
The city of Livorno presents a very interesting situation with a very active grassroots movement quite oriented to well being, sustainability and environment protection and care, social inclusivity and so on. At the same time the city has a new local government with a strong commitment to “change”. Young politicians coming from the 5 Stars party (relatively new in Italy) with a very open way to approach their roles.
In the last year and a half all this created many different paths and projects that weren’t generated from Transition but that are quite on the same general feeling. The activity kept growing until they understood that there was the need for a less spontaneous way to proceed and they started searching for methodologies and help.
Within the municipality they started exploring Theory U with the help of the Italian U.Lab (to with Transition Italia is well connected) meanwhile some of the organizers of the citizens and associations contacted Transition Italy (Italian Hub) searching for help and training.
The Hub had already a couple of meetings with the local government, people and the groups. They are all very interested in the MiT project with the municipality ready to put also some money on training and other needed activities.
DOMAINS: Food and agriculture, Education, Raising awareness about sustainability, climate change, healthy living, environmental issues, etc. Health, Social Care, Arts and Culture, Participatory Democracy and Planning, Economy, Waste management, Community work, Systemic Change (not focused on particular projects).
BENEFICIARIES: Children, Adults (25 - 65), Families, General
MIT note: Wide cooperation involving municipalities, citizens and organizations, still in the embryonic stage. Suitable for pilot (it looks like it is an ambitious project in terms of cooperation and transformation; high self-evaluation).
Irene Genovese
Citizens organizations
Irene is a very active member of the citizens movement and well connected to the local government.
Stella Sorgente
Deputy Mayor of Livorno
Stella is following and supporting the process developing in Livorno along with other councilors in the municipality.