Mares Madrid

Urban resilience prototype in employment, based on social and solidarity economy promotion in strategic sectors (energy, recycling, food, mobility and social care economy).


CASE STAGE: Well established and running
LOCATION: City of Madrid (Spain)
POPULATION: 6,500,000
GOVERNANCE: Top-down Madrid City Council


Mares Madrid will implement an urban and economic resilience strategy in employment through social and solidarity economy in some key sectors, with the objective of keep creating a new model of production in the city.

Its aim is to confront some of the challenges and impacts that the economic crisis has generated in the south-southeast districts of Madrid. Also, to reduce the territorial fracture and the damaged social ecosystems, due to the growth of inequality and the increasing unemployment.

To achieve this objective, an integral approach of actions will be implemented, based on four pillars:

  • The activation of recovering, prototyping and co-designing processes of public spaces that are not being used.
  • The implementation of a “competency laboratory”, capable of evaluate the economic resilience strategies of citizen groups.
  • The promotion of territorial economic innovation processes that generate new economic networks and improve competitiveness and sustainability of the existing productive networks in the city.
  • The stimulation of sensitization, territorial economic dynamization and cooperation, in order to create articulated ecosystems that allow productive diversification and collective possibilities expansion in terms of employment and employability.

These four pillars are based on a triple focus: Sustainability as the paradigm for the construction of new city models. The Social care economy as a paradigm for the creation of new development agendas. The social and solidarity economy as the power for the configuration of economic resilience innovative strategies.


DOMAINS: Food and agriculture, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Transportation, Education, Raising awareness about sustainability, climate change, healthy living, environmental issues, etc., Social Care, Participatory Democracy and Planning, Economy, Waste management, Water management, Community work, Systemic Change (not focused on particular projects).

BENEFICIARIES: Young adults (18 - 24), Adults (25 - 65), Elders (65+), Families, People with disabilities, Ethnic or Social Minorities, LGBTQ+


MiT note - Urban transformation by promoting social economy and collaboration. High self-evaluation. Interesting for Phase 2.


Julio Enrique Campo Macho
Mares Madrid