Promotion of Healthy lifestyle for childhood
Generate new teaching and learning possibilities that make visible the transformation of healthy lifestyles as a meaning of education that makes visible the intersection between two essential areas of human development: health and education.
CASE STAGE: Well established and running
LOCATION: Arauca Municipality of Palestine, Departamento de Caldas (Colombia)
GOVERNANCE: Not defined
Arauca is a community in obvious vulnerability conditions, which can determine a huge problem in children’s life. Families in absence conditions that limit a process of proper training, corrupted society by micro traffic, prostitution, violent groups outside the law, a series of situation that sadly erode our human fabric. Little intervention by the State, parachute programs that arrive and do not reappear. The proposal aims to interpret the conceptual representation that the educational community has about healthy lifestyles in the school environment. The initiative is based on an investigation of a narrative biographical character; starts from the same school in the complementary school day, and attends to a pedagogical and articulated process to the human being based on hospitality.
DOMAINS: Education, Raising awareness about sustainability, climate change, healthy living, environmental issues, etc., Health, Social Care.
BENEFICIARIES: Teenagers (13 - 17)
MiT note: Promotion of healthy styles in the school environment. No need for phase 2 (no specific tool/framework identified). Suitable for pilot only if the school environment is considered relevant and the continuity is guaranteed.