Red Huertos Urbanos Comunitarios
Many small gardens will grow small people who will change the cities.
CASE STAGE: Well established and running
LOCATION: Madrid (Spain)
POPULATION: 3,000,000
GOVERNANCE: Not defined
A network energized since 2010 under the principles of agroecology, self-management and community-based approach. The gardens have gained an important symbolic power as metaphors of different topics: social creativity, citizen’s ability to give value back to abandoned spaces, caring of nature in the city, and autonomy of citizens to build alternatives. A tool to progress in a practical way in a new territory culture that allows to intensify social relationships, as well to open discussions on the uses of the ground and green zones, and to recover in the urban environments the logic of the “common”, or to open the discussion around how we are going to feed the cities in the future.
The urban agriculture movement has led many municipalities to decide to regulate communitary management of public space. As well to implement public policies which support urban gardens. Urban gardens (educational, community, social, demonstrative…) are more relevant because of the amount of people interacting with them than the amount of people they feed. They have become an essential element for the reconstruction of local food systems. A piece that significantly helps to put the puzzle together.
Informally connected to DINAMIZADORES people in the Transition Network
DOMAINS: Food and agriculture, Town planning, Urbanism and Housing, Raising awareness about sustainability, climate change, healthy living, environmental issues, etc., Participatory Democracy and Planning
BENEFICIARIES: Adults (25 - 65), Elders (65+), Families
MiT note: Promoting urban gardens. Interesting for phase 2 (as a tool). Suitable for pilot (in order to expand the collaboration with the municipality?).