Sanctuary School

Sanctuary School takes healing earth arts into any and all community gathering spaces. People gather in circles and discuss topics to connect them to their roots and to open them up to new ways of existing in the world.
CASE STAGE: Just started
LOCATION: Milwaukee, Winsconsin (USA)
GOVERNANCE: Not defined
The objective of Sanctuary School is to make healing accessible to underserved communities by connecting to places where people gather, for example…schools, churches, grocery stores, senior centers and child care facilities. We meet people where they are at, literally, and little by little make connections.
We believe the majority of people have to be guided back to remembering the old ways, love of self and respect of the earth. Small groups are created around common interests and community support is built by the exchange of information and sharing of basic resources. Many people do not know that they can use Food Stamps at farmer’s markets all year round, one re-occuring activity will be to take folks on shopping trips, exchange recipes and make meals for the week.
A lifestyle change to reduce, reuse, recycle, rot, and repair must be relatable and sustainable. Sanctuary School endeavors to provide simple ways for people to make little changes to last through the ages and space to gather, study and learn new skills. The biggest accomplishment, so far, is a core group of folks committed to serving each other. We make meals together, support and create local economic systems of trade, most are self-employed and many are visionaries.
DOMAINS: Education, Raising awareness about sustainability, climate change, healthy living, environmental issues, etc., Health, Arts and Culture, Community work.
BENEFICIARIES: Children, Teenagers (13 - 17), Young adults (18 - 24), Adults (25 - 65), Elders (65+), Families, People with disabilities, Ethnic or Social, Minorities, LGBTQ+
MiT note: The initiative focus is on promoting healing arts with public, special “underserved communities” and “minorities”. Creativity seems to play a great role. No collaboration with local governments and just starting therefore not suitable for phase 2 or pilot.