The Impact Farm
An urban two storage hydroponic green house Hub for transition.
LOCATION: Nørrebro, Copenhagen (Denmark)
GOVERNANCE: Sociocracy
The Municipality and the local body “”Miljøpunkt Nørrebro”” (MPN) is offering Grønne Hjerter (GH) the facility of an urban greenhouse as a Hub, and Hellig Kors Church (HKC) offers the location, facilities, water and electricity, in an area dense with immigrants, refugees, low income families and students.
Vision: To create a local Hub for all kinds of transition initiatives and activities, community building in a challenged urban area, in collaboration with the Municipality, Miljøpunkt and the Green Church, as a longterm project.
The activities will include Open House for institutions, schools, locals, “Open Office Days”, a sustainable flower shop, workshops (Sprouting, self-sufficiency, wedge watering, NVC, Permaculture, Inner Transition, Gift Circles, Sociocracy…) swap shops, pot locks, repair-cafés, and other community building activities - even a local currency.
GH has been run by volunteers for two years, but there is a solid business plan to finance the key roles of management at this new facility. The combination of the “”Head, Hearts and Hands”” attracts strong resources. The team includes teachers, a Master in Sustainable Agriculture, Social Workers, Biologists, Natural Builders, Florists, Entrepreneurs and all are permaculture people and Transitioners, with a build up culture and friendship through 2 years.
Also Gaia Trustee Ross Jackson is looking for a project in the same area, and we will be contacting him regarding a possible joint venture. If so it might become an Ecolise project connected to Malmø, Sweden - the sister city across from Copenhagen.
DOMAINS: Food and agriculture, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Town planning, Urbanism and Housing, Education, Raising awareness about sustainability, climate change, healthy living, environmental issues, etc., Social Care, Arts and Culture, Participatory Democracy and Planning, Economy, Waste management, Water management, Industry and manufacturing, Community work, Systemic Change (not focused on particular projects)
MiT note: Designing an ambitious urban greenhouse as a Hub. No need for phase 2 (local Hub for transition initiatives as a tool? But still in design stage). Suitable for pilot (if being in design stage is not excluding).
Tanja Aertebjerg
Transition Danmark