Transición VNG and Asociación ECOL3VNG. Promoters of Turuta Social currency.

Promote the transition of our city towards a more FAIR, EQUITABLE, PARTICIPATORY AND SUSTAINABLE society. Promoting collective citizenship projects orientated to create local resilience against the progressive social collapse caused by climate change, peak oil and economic instability.


CASE STAGE: Well established and running
LOCATION: Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona (Spain)
GOVERNANCE: Not defined


  • Conscious of the current CRISIS situation of the planet (economic, energy, climate, social, etc.), we consider that taking action urgently is a must, and practice cooperation to implement mechanisms that improve autonomy around covering the basic needs of all the people of our town with local resources and/or the nearest environment.
  • We consider that there is lots to do, to imagine, learn, locate and work, putting projects in place to recover and improve our productive capacity as people (people, land, water, air…).
  • We also consider that it is each person’s responsibility to evaluate their possibilities and to be involved in the best they can. Doors are open to them all, and no one should expect honors or special positions to actively engage with this collective responsibility.
  • To advance collectively, our statutes attempt to achieve these goals: Create, promote, disseminate, expand and ensure the proper running of a local eco-economic eco-system in Vilanova i la Geltrú. The aim is to promote respect for diversity (inclusion, integration …), sustainability (towards food and energy sovereignty by promoting local and ecological production) and peace (encouraging peaceful relations based on dialogue and cooperation), principles very well described in the Earth Charter, which we want to have as an inspiring document of reference


DOMAINS: Food and agriculture, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Town planning, Urbanism and Housing, Transportation, Education, Raising awareness about sustainability, climate change, healthy living, environmental issues, etc., Health, Social Care, Arts and Culture, Participatory Democracy and Planning, Economy, Waste management, Water management, Community work, Systemic Change (not focused on particular projects)

BENEFICIARIES: Children, Teenagers (13 - 17), Young adults (18 - 24), Adults (25 - 65), Elders (65+)


MiT note: Promoting collective citizenship projects, including social currency. Interesting for phase 2. Suitable for pilot (in order to strengthen the collaboration with the municipality).


Ton Dalmau
