Transition Wekerle

A transition trainer and activist has become the councillor of the local district responsible for sustainability issues and he gives voice and strengthens local transitioners’ initiatives at the municipality and its institutions

CASE STAGE: Well established and running
LOCATION: Wekerle Estate - Budapest (Hungary)
GOVERNANCE: Not defined


Objectives and vision: The councillor has elected in 2014, he is an active member of Transition Wekerle, he shares the local transitioners’ vision of a more lively, happy neighbourhood using the local resources more effectively.

Many topics has raised by transitioners’ activities: local market, energy, waste, mobility, etc. Frameworks and tools: Councillor has the right to raise issues on the agenda of the local Council and their committees. He can also get and share information from the local apparatus.

Greatest achievements were happened when the councillor and the local transitioners could strengthen each other’s efforts: - Spreading composting skills and equipments in the district for 100+ families annually funded by the local government with the PR and technical support of the local transitioners.

Draught buster programme for poor families were adapted by the municipality using the experiences of Energyefficient Wekerle group. The councillor, István Ferenczi is a transition trainer and the husband of a hubster, Tracey Wheatley, so we have direct connections to him.


DOMAINS: Town planning, Urbanism and Housing, Raising awareness about sustainability, climate change, healthy living, environmental issues, etc., Participatory Democracy and Planning



MiT note: A transitioner was elected as councillor and promotes sustainability issues. No need for phase 2 (no specific collaboration tool). Interesting for a pilot (in an effort to improve the collaboration and possibly make it more formal and sustained).


István Ferenczi