Zukunftsstadt Dresden
Involving the people of Dresden into a strategic transition-process from visioning via planning to action and transformation, with scientific monitoring.
CASE STAGE: Well established and running
LOCATION: City of Dresden (Germany)
GOVERNANCE: Top-down municipality led
Triggered by the BMBF-Zukunftsstadt-Competition (BMBF: federal ministry of research and education) we are developing tools and methods (especially for workshops, workshop-materials, community management, involving methods for government, science and businesses) be trying out a 3-phases-process: visioning, planning, implementation in a broad public participation process (actually ca. 300 involves people) in a quite decentralised manner.
The developed methods should help the public to train visioning, develop projects and project plans and implement them in Phase III. Therefore the BMBF financed this process as well as similar processes in Germany: Phase I (2015-2016): 51 Cities with 35.000 € each, Phase II (2017-2018): 23 Cities with 200.000 € each (Dresden is the biggest city in this competition), Phase III (2019-2021): 8 cities, 1 Mio € each.
There was no blueprint given, how to design and manage this process. We are developing and trying out for yourself, mainly inspired by transition-ideas and with support of local transitioners.
DOMAINS: Raising awareness about sustainability, climate change, healthy living, environmental issues, etc., Participatory Democracy and Planning, Systemic Change (not focused on particular projects), experiencing the implementation of a transition-inspired process into a local city government-structure.
BENEFICIARIES: Young adults (18 - 24), Adults (25 - 65), Elders (65+)
MiT note - Interesting for phase 2 and pilot (it is an ongoing and financed project). Being part of an innovation network can increase visibility and replicability.