Parceria Local de Telheiras
The project started in 2013 as a local partnership in Telheiras, a neighboorhood in the city of Lisbon. Parceria Local de Telheiras joins several institutions, organizations, cooperatives and informal neighboorhood groups, with the objective of sharing information and resourses, networking and shared event organization.
In 2018, Parceria Local defined the reduction of the carbon footprint of the neighboorhood as a transversal theme for its organizations. The MiT project will be a big asset for this work, by offering a structured framework to guide the diagnosis and implementation of actions towards this goal, while at the same time helping to identify new local resources and key actors.
Type: Neighboorhood
Population: 17.500
Extension: 1,8 km²
Density: 5475 inhabitants per km²
Key Aspects
The organizations and associations of Parceria Local have committed to contribute actively with their actions to the improvement of neighboorhood life quality in different aspects, such as culture, education, justice, active citizenship, support to vulnerable population, security, environment and community life.
As a network, the Parceria Local meets regularly to discuss opportunities and problems of the neighboorhood, to exchange information and to develop new projects. The sharing of resources (human, physical, financial and information) is also another big part of the network’s work.
Every year, 3 events are organized by the network, just with the human resources form the different local organizations and no professional event organizers. These events are the week-long Festival de Telheiras, with concerts, dancing, workshops, movies, second-hand markets, activities for children and for families, among many others, with more than 50 activities in one week; the Telheiras em Movimento, which takes part during the European Mobility Week and promotes sustainable mobility and habits; and the Magusto, a typical portuguese festivity on St. Martin’s day.
All the events have the purpose of bringing the population together, creating a sense of belonging and fostering a positive use of public space. They aim to promote a stronger interaction between local population, organizations, local commerce.
The effort of the members of Parceria Local is directed to contribute to engage residents and locals in the life of the neighboorhood and to promote active and participative citizenship in Telheiras.
There is a continuous effort to find new ways to engage people, associations, schools, institutes in the active life of the neighboorhood, and increase in citizens the sense of belonging to the territory and encourage them to play an active role in the community.
Pilot activities so far...
Already defined from the Parceria Local, as the group “Grupo Pegada Ecológica”. The decision-making process is done through consensus, on a multi-level approach: day-to-day decisions regarding the implementation of projects are done by the “Grupo Pegada”, bigger decisions and validation is done by the Parceria Local, based on proposals by the “Grupo Pegada”.
Article about MiT and Telheiras:
Local training with the members of “Grupo Pegada”, who will be responsible for the implementation of the MiT Framework.
The 9th Festival de Telheiras takes places from the 11th to the 19th of May. Beside all the differente activities (concerts, dancing, workshops, etc), many activities focus on sustainability. The Festival is also trying to be more sustainable in terms of logistics (for example by banning single-use plastics).
- Core Team inventory of Actions organized and evaluated using the MiT Grid. The information is collected on different levels: from the members of “Grupo Pegada”, from all the organizations of the Parceria Local, from the local commerce and from the general population.
- Online form to identify existing projects in Telheiras (disclosure of the form on site, facebook, mailing lists of the partners and a poster posted around the neighborhood – identification made by members of the Grupo Pegada (governance group), the whole Parceria Local, and local population
- Online form; Article about online form
- Screening and obtaining of more information about the identified projects
Evento to collect information about Actions from the local population.
- GRID analysis of the 25 identified projects (26.06-29.06)
- Extra GRID analysis for Junta projects (02.07)
- Baseline calculation
- Presentation of the GRID analysis and the baseline to Parceria Local
Process of identifying, analysing and choosing the actions.
- Action 1 - support action “Horticulture in Educational Context”
- Action 2 - new action “Shared Resource Center”
- Having a second representative of Junta (local administration) in the Grupo Pegada has allowed to establish connections with a new area of the Junta (Education sector).
- Possibility of new project door-to-door (building-to-building) collecting of used batteries for recycling
Parceria Local is part of the organizers of the european mobility week in Telheiras connected to the European Day of Sustainable Communities (EDSC)
Parceria Local de TelheirasCasa da Cidadania do Lumiar - Pólo de Telheiras
Rua Prof. Francisco Gentil, 33
1600-622 Lisboa
Tommaso Brazzini (MiT Project Core Team)
Pilot’s Core Team:
Luís Keel Pereira (Parceria Local de Telheiras)
Henrique Sá Melo (Junta de Freguesia do Lumiar)
Manuel Leite (Centro Comunitário de Telheiras - Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa)