Giulio Pesenti Campagnoni

Giulio has been working as a local catalyst for sustainability for more than a decade, connecting and facilitating the work of groups, schools, businesses and municipalities.

He likes to think of himself as a social enzyme, facilitating and accelerating the transition towards a much better and exciting future for human beings.



What am I doing here?

My adult life started during the elaboration of the university thesis, where I had the chance to study in deep many of the existential threats humanity is facing, from the depletion of natural resources to the exponential growth of population, from society’s thermodynamic limits to overshoot&collapse and other worrisome system dynamics scenarios.
As a result, I committed myself in creating resilience at local level, trying to explore and implement potential solutions and raising awareness in my local community. I then joined the Transition Movement and tried to scale up the experimentations to different levels and scales.
Municipalities and public administrations quickly became very interesting and unexplored territories where to test real systemic approaches and leverage a systemic change, and that’s where I’m currently involved trying to implement the MiT framework.
I’m currently involved in a variety of projects linked to sustainability and resilience.
  • Facilitating participatory processes for an EU LIFE project on hydraulic resilience in the AltoVicentino area (LIFE BEWARE);
  • Co-designing Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs) using the MiTS framework with SOGESCA s.r.l.
  • Co-coaching and facilitating the Climate KIC Journey Summer School
  • Raising awareness on energy efficiency and sustainability with the energy desk (Sportello Energia Altovicentino).
I’m also giving NVC (empathic communication) trainings to adults and schools, creating system thinking workshops, and raising awareness on the topic of polarization, social networks, the ecology of information and the epistemic crisis.
I love simplicity and authenticity, being responsible for myself and others and joining teams of pioneers who are pushing the boundaries of our social and economic systems.
And yes, I like music, traveling, hiking and doing funny things too!


Santorso, Italy


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