Hot Topics Discussions - Funding process

On the 10th of December 2018, the 2nd Hot Topic Webinar took place with the title: “How to resource the work of collaboration between communities and municipalities: the need for funding for processes“.

We had the interventions of Nicolas Krausz, from Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation (FPH), who gave very useful hints about how to strengthen relationships with foundations, and what foundations are looking for when funding certain projects.
Both Peter Lipman and Eleanor Besley-Gould, from the fundraising side, shared with the participants the challenges of funding the work of NGOs and associations involved in systemic change and sustainability.
All the copresenters remarked how important is the cultivation of relationships with funders, as a way to open dialogue and establish trust.

The contributions of participants, to name a few Nenad Maljković, Nuno da Silva, Sarah McAdam, Juan del Río, related to the experiences from their territories and realities, made the discussion very rich and fruitful, which is what makes the Community of Practice a dynamic open learning experience.

Congratulations to everybody!

Stay tuned, for the following interesting hot topics discussion webinars!!!

Below the recorded event:


Here goes a ‘dream 2 sider’ template, kindly shared by Eleanor Besley-Gould, which is a useful tool when sending info to prospective funders:

template 2 sider

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