Focus discussion webinar on Sociocracy3.0 with James Priest

Plenty of people showed up for our webinar on Sociocracy 3.0 (S3), facilitated by its co-founder and co-developer James Priest. The webinar was a condensed introduction on Sociocracy 3.0, that touched all the aspects that S3 can influence in an organization. it was a mix of delivered information as well as interactive breakout rooms to share impressions among participants.

Why S3?

We work with municipalities and communities in general, and we are aware there are certain dynamics at community level typical of our cultural system, just to name a few: conflicts, competition, distrust, misunderstanding, lack of transparency, power dynamics etc…
In the Municipalities in Transition we are trying to foster a different working culture to provide inclusiveness, cooperation, subsidiarity, transparency, enhancement of collective thinking, equality of voices . All those are included in the Transition principles we follow in the work we do. S3 is embedded in our methodology because we believe it is a robust framework that can strongly help to reach those goals and foster those principles.

Here is a list of useful resources to connect with the S3 world


On the Municipalities in Transition side, stay tuned on the Focus discussion webinars and Virtual café events. The next webinar is about another aspect related to governance: “Innovative governance for collaboration: shared governance” with Guillaume Dorvaux from Université du Nous

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