The main aim of the Municipalities in Transition project is to develop and test a structured way for municipalities and local governments to connect with their communities and respond to the great challenges of this historical period adopting a systemic view and methodologies inspired by the Transition Towns movement approach and learnings.
Stage of development
After the analysis of the cases we received in our harvesting of possible solutions and inspirations we were eventually able to select a model as our main reference for the final Municipalities in Transition Framework (MiTF).
That was the Energy Function case from Italy that we think could be adapted and evolved into a wider model (the original was meant for very specific starting conditions) and serve our pourposes.
Basic features of MiTF
There are some basic elements we consider fundamental, please consider that what you see below is still under development and might be modified along the road:
A definition
The framework is a support structure that defines and provides the best condition we need to try to reach our goal. This structure will be systemic, developed within a set of general principles and must be flexible enough to evolve through iteration and to be adapted to different contexts and cultures.
A set of principles
As a first step, we consider the set of principles that guides the Transition Movement a very complete initial guidance system. We are aware though that some of the concepts and terminologies used there are not completely clear and understandable outside the borders of the movement. Our final set will probably be and evolution and simplification of those principles.
A recommendation on governance
A key recommendation will be part of our MiTF proposal: Whatever the situation or the process you are implementing, agree on and make explicit a governance model. Beside that we will warmly recommend certain governance models over others within our proposal.
A set of functions
The framework will be designed to provide a set of functions to those using it and in particular:
A -Evaluation
Permanent observation
B - Co-Design
C - Co-Production/implementation
D - Cultural leverage
Three key elements
We are designing the MiTF about three key conceptual elements:
A reference grid
Some process loops
A tools (pattern language) database
Framework Beta Version now available
We have finished the first Pilot phase of the Municipalitites in Transition project. Keeping in mind the idea of sharing learnings, we wanted to share with you the beta version of the framework we have been using during the first Pilot phase of the MiT.
A new version is being updated right now, and is being tested within the second phase of the project in other Pilots municipalities (Pioneers for this second phase). The idea of making the Framework public is mostly to make it available to anybody interested to understand our way of work as well as for research purposes. We highly discourage its use in real life, unless you have been assigned a Tutor that can guide you through the process.
You can download the document in several languages:
You can also watch the webinars on the introduction to the MiT system on this blogpost.
In English:
in Spanish:
in Portuguese:
We are completely aware of the complexity of the project and we will intend our results as a first step in a longer process. The MiTF is an experiment based on the general principle that what we propose is evaluated as “Good Enough for Now, Safe Enough to Try”.